Body-Mind Centering®

What is Body-Mind Centering®?

Body-Mind Centering® is a somatic approach to body and awareness developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen through decades of experiential and embodied research. BMC® is a journey through the living and changing universe of our body and consciousness through which we learn to develop intimacy with ourselves and feel our processes (and ourselves as a process). We explore our beginnings, as a living body in motion, as an inseparable part of Nature and community, and in doing so we awaken different qualities of consciousness, the body’s innate intelligence and inner resources, which leads to psychophysical integration and a sense of wholeness. With that comes greater presence, groundedness and ease of being and moving. The mind calms down, and we come into contact with that deeply nourishing part of ourselves, which has always been a part of us. And from that maybe comes gratitude and admiration for the miracle of Life.

The scope of study of BMC® is huge and deals with the following elements of the human being, and each part helps us to know ourselves on a new level:

— the cell as the basic structure of our body and consciousness, which in itself represents living intelligence, which is capable of knowing itself and communicating with its environment; cellular respiration; subcellular.

— body systems (bones, ligaments, muscles, organs, glands, nervous system, body fluids, immune system), each of which carries its own quality of awareness, state of mind, and feeling

— senses and perception

— with embryology and the developmental movement and how the earliest processes of the formation of our body from conception are still present in us and how they give us support and nutrition in adulthood; reflexes

— breathing and vocalization

— touch


Što je Body-Mind Centering®?

Body-Mind Centering® je somatski pristup tijelu i svjesnosti kojeg je razvila Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen kroz desetljeća iskustvenog i utjelovljenog istraživanja. BMC® je putovanje živim i promjenjivim svemirom našeg tijela i svijesti kroz koje učimo razvijati intimnost sa sobom i osjećati svoje procese (i sebe kao proces). Istražujemo naše početke, kao živo tijelo u pokretu, kao neodvojivi dio Prirode i zajednice, i pritom budimo različite kvalitete svijesti, urođenu inteligenciju tijela i unutarnje resurse, što vodi do psihofizičke integracije i osjećaja cjelovitosti. S tim dolazi i veća prisutnost, uzemljenost i lakoća bivanja i kretanja. Um se smiruje, i mi dolazimo u kontakt s onim dubinski hranjivim dijelom sebe, koji je oduvijek bio dio nas. A iz toga možda dolaze i zahvalnost i divljenje čudu Života.

Opseg proučavanja BMC®-ja je ogroman i bavi se sljedećim elementima čovjeka, a svaki nam dio pomaže da upoznamo sebe na novoj razini:

— stanicom kao osnovnom strukturom našeg tijela i svjesnosti, koja sama po sebi predstavlja živu inteligenciju, koja je sposobna spoznati sebe i komunicirati sa svojim okružjem; staničnim disanjem.

— tjelesnim sustavima (kostima, ligamentima, mišićima, organima, žlijezdama, živčanim sustavom, tjelesnim tekućinama, imunološkim sustavom), od kojih svaki nosi svoju pripadajuću kvalitetu svjesnosti, stanje uma, i osjećaj

— osjetilima i percepcijom

— embriologijom i razvojnim pokretom i kako su najraniji procesi formiranja našeg tijela od začeća i dalje prisutni u nama te kako nam daju podršku i hranjivost u odrasloj dobi; refleksima

— disanjem i vokalizacijom

— dodirom