Sacred Geometry

I have always been fascinated by the symbol of the spiral. There is something about this beautiful shape starting from a singular point and evolving into infinity that seemed to me like a perfect visual representation of human life. More than that, it seemed to me like a secret code imprinted in all life, in all nature, appearing in human body, in movement, in cells, embryos, flowers, hurricanes, sea shells, galaxies, and so on. This is the beauty of symbols, because they speak to us not in a direct verbal way, but they evoke a memory, a certain knowing from the depths of our being, a remembering of sorts. They are keys which unlock something in us.

As I was exploring the mystery of spirals, I discovered the art of mandalas and yantras, geometrical diagrams which carry deeper spiritual significance. They are both macrocosmic, representing the evolution/involution of Universe and microcosmic, representing an individual journey of internal flowering of consciousness. Mandalas can be used as objects for meditation or contemplation, as they reveal many secrets of our psyche and our physical and energetic body. But most of all I perceive them as living objects which communicate with their surroundings and imprint beauty and harmony into space and all beings that come into resonance with them. They also tell a story of interconnectedness of all that is. May these works of art inspire beauty in you and inspiration for inward journey. Contact me if you want to commission your own personal unique custom made mandala.