

Excerpt from the upcoming book…

Pogled na oblake ispunjavao ju je uzbuđenjem. Iz njih se probijala tolika ljepota i svjetlost, da je sam pogled na njih budio obećanje vječnosti. Svaki takav trenutak bio je blagoslov i ta silna ljepota koja se reflektirala u njenim očima pričala je o životu koji je beskrajno čudesan, koji je nepojmljiv u svojoj potpunosti, koji budi radost, pogotovo u trenu kada osjetimo da smo i mi dio njega, da smo mi to o čemu smo oduvijek sanjali. 

Već neko vrijeme osjećala je taj snažan pomak u percepciji i on je postajao sve duži i češći. Prije je vjerovala da je on moguć samo za vrijeme psihodeličnog iskustva, ali sada joj je postao dostupan u svakodnevnici. Kao da cijela planeta, zajedno s nama, prelazi na višu razinu postojanja, i to je postalo očito. Odvijala se velika promjena, buđenje svijesti, i mi smo dio toga, svjedočimo tome i sami se mijenjamo, a s time i naša osjetila. Priroda nam nagovješćuje novo doba, u kojem će ljepota, kao direktna manifestacija Izvora, biti slavljena i poštovana. Nećemo se više klanjati bogovima, nego Životu samom. 

Oblaci su bili u stotinama oblika, različitih gustoća i tekstura. Svaki od njih jedinstven, kao da govori: “Hajde, ne boj se, izrazi se, ne možeš pogriješiti jer ne postoji loš način da opjevaš svoju istinu. Prisjeti se svjetla kojeg nosiš u svojim stanicama. Prisjeti se iskre kreativnosti koja živi u urodjenoj inteligenciji tvog tijela – Srca koje daje ritam, daha koji otvara i glasa koji je najiskreniji izraz tvoje autentičnosti”. 

Dozvolila si je stanku da osluhne i osjeti život u sebi, da omekša. Vidjela je jasno slojevitost života. I to joj je davalo hrabrost i snagu. Želju za nepoznatim koracima, uzbuđenje pred svime što slijedi. Vjeru da je sve kako treba biti, unatoč boli koju živimo. U tom trenu je odlučila, želim biti glasnik te ljubavi i ljepote. Želim pomoći utjeloviti ih na ovoj planeti, posaditi ih da rastu dok ne postanu nešto normalno za sve ljude koji ovdje žive. Želim biti slobodna kao ta ljubav i ljepota, i osjećam da mi je to nadohvat ruke, poznajem taj osjećaj duboko u sebi, u svojoj DNK. 

Njen suputnik prekinuo je tišinu: “I onda odjednom shvatiš da si ti sve to oko tebe”, i pokaže rukama prema okolini. “Pa daaaa!!!”, uzviknula je i spontano počela skakati od sreće s uzdignutim rukama prema nebu. Oboje su tada prasnuli u smijeh, i doslovno plakali od smijeha, a razigrana energija istine milovala ih je iznutra i podržavala u radovanju. Oboje su tad u sebi potiho poželjeli da taj osjećaj potraje, da radost nikad ne stane, pa su dopuštali da ih zapljuskuju valovi smijeha jedan za drugim. Još samo jedan… Još samo jedan… 

Smijeh je postepeno utihnuo i nastupio je trenutak tišine i prisutnosti. Dvoje ljudi koji su se tek upoznali, i dotad prozborili niti deset rečenica, dijele trenutak apsolutne sreće proizašle iz dijeljenog uvida, uvida kojeg smo možda puno puta čuli, ali koji sve mijenja tek kada se istinski utjelovi, kada prožme svaku našu stanicu. Njen tata je uvijek govorio da se sreća krije u sitnicama, koju većina ljudi ne primjećuje jer ih pospreme u kategoriju običnog. I tada si oduzmu mogućnost da se iznenade neobičnim u običnom, jer na ovom svijetu ništa nije obično ako smo u stanju osjetiti iskru koja je stvorila sve.


The sight of the clouds filled her with excitement. Such beauty and light emanated from them, that the very sight of them evoked the promise of eternity. Every moment like that was a blessing and the great beauty that was reflected in her eyes spoke of a life that is endlessly wonderful, that is inconceivable in its fullness, that awakens joy, especially in the moment when we feel that we too are a part of it, that we are what we have always dreamed of. 

She had been feeling this strong shift in perception for some time and it was becoming longer and more frequent. Before, she believed that it was possible only during a psychedelic experience, but now it has become available to her in everyday life. It’s as if the entire planet, along with us, is moving to a higher level of existence, and this has become tangible. A great change was taking place, an awakening of consciousness, and we are a part of it, we witness it and we ourselves change, and with it our senses. Nature heralds a new era, in which beauty, as a direct manifestation of the Source, will be celebrated and respected. We will no longer worship gods, but Life itself. 

The clouds appeared in hundreds of shapes, different densities and textures. Each one of them is unique, as if to say: “Come on, don’t be afraid, express yourself, you can’t go wrong because there is no wrong way to sing your truth. Remember the light you carry in your cells. Remember the spark of creativity that lives in the innate intelligence of your body – the heart that gives the rhythm, the breath that opens and the voice that is the most sincere expression of your authenticity”.

She allowed herself a pause to listen and feel the life inside her, to soften. She clearly saw the layering of life. And that gave her courage and strength. Desire for unknown steps, excitement for everything that follows. The belief that everything is as it should be, despite the pain we experience. In that moment, she decided: “I want to be a messenger of that love and beauty. I want to help embody them on this planet, plant them to grow until they become something normal for all the people who live here. I want to be free like that love and beauty, and I feel that it is within my reach, I know that feeling deep inside me, in my DNA.” 

Her companion broke the silence: “And then suddenly you realize that everything around you is you”, and pointed with his hands towards the surroundings. “Well yes!!!”, she exclaimed and spontaneously started jumping joyously with her hands raised towards the sky. Both of them then burst into laughter, and literally cried with laughter, and the playful energy of the truth caressed them from the inside and supported them in rejoicing. Both of them silently wished that this feeling would last, that the joy would never stop, so they let the waves of laughter wash over them one after the other. Just one more… Just one more…

The laughter gradually faded and then came a moment of silence and presence. Two people who have just met, and so far have not spoken ten sentences, share a moment of absolute happiness resulting from a shared insight, an insight that we may have heard many times, but which changes everything only when it is truly embodied, when it permeates our every cell. Her dad always said that happiness is hidden in the little things, which most people don’t notice because they put them in the category of ordinary. And then they take away the possibility to be surprised by the unusual in the ordinary, because nothing in this world is ordinary if we are able to feel the spark that created all.